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June 2013

CBC Downtown Banners

By Client, digital, News, Uncategorized No Comments

I have just wrapped up some long days preparing tons of new illustrations of Edmonton.  The rush comes from the Launch of new webpage by CBC about all the great buildings downtown.   They asked me if I could illustrate some banners for the webpage as a way of colorfully displaying Edmonton’s downtown.  In order to add the detail that I thought was required for such a scene and the tight deadline, I decided to illustrate these all digitally.  It also allows me to compose them into finished pieces that I can offer as prints, which will be available shortly and at Edmonton’s Artwalk,where I will be again set up infront of Vivid Print.  Below you can look at the banners and you can review all the new illustrations at my flickr site,

CBC -Downtown Story banner

CBC -Downtown Story banner 1

CBC -Downtown Story banner

CBC -Downtown Story banner 2

CBC -Downtown Story banner

CBC -Downtown Story banner 3

Idea Exploration

By News, Paintings, Uncategorized No Comments

Several years ago friends of mine commissioned me to paint both their children’s bedrooms.  It was super fun and one of the ideas that we started with was a solar system theme for the boys room.  We eventually moved on from that idea, but I was left with these sketches that I thought were fun and my mind has wondered back to it a couple of times, and of course it has evolved a few times since then.  Here are 3 further explorations on the idea of animals exploring space, I figured they would need to take time for exercise 🙂

Bermuda Festival

By Commission, News, Paintings, Uncategorized No Comments

A new music festival is starting up this summer in Edmonton, it is called The Bermuda Festival.  I was contacted by one of the organizers and was asked to provide a painting on canvas for the festival.  These paintings that local artists are creating are going to be used for the promotional posters for the different music venues that they have.  Then they are going to auction off the paintings for the artists.  The theme was sharks, and this was what I came up with.

Bermuda Festival

Bermuda Festival

Home sweet Home commission

By Commission, digital, News, Uncategorized No Comments

Not too long ago I was asked by the Crisis Center here in Edmonton to donate something for their fundraiser.  Rather than donate an Edmonton print, I thought it would be nicer if I could offer something a bit more personal, which would add more value to whom ever would be bidding on the item.  So I offered a Digital commission.  The lucky winner, wanted to do an illustration of the neighborhood that her future husband and her lived in as a wedding gift to him.  This is what we came up with.

Private Commission

Private Commission

Family Portrait Commission

By Commission, digital, News, Uncategorized No Comments

I was contacted to do a non-traditional family portrait for a Mothers Day present.  She wanted a very special place in Calgary AB that they walk their family dog to be represented, along with the family.  She was not all that interested in having the family upfront and center, rather deciding to have them within the environment doing what they love to do.

Private Commission

Private Commission

Two new Medical Post Illustrations

By Client, digital, News, Uncategorized No Comments

Carol over at Medical Post asked me to submit another illustration for a editorial story for their upcoming issue.  Which reminded me that I had not posted the previous illustration that I had competed for here.  So here they both are, the first one is a series of spots that accompanied a poem written by a doctor on the love/hate relationship that there is with with being a doctor.  The second is from a story from a doctor who had a great chance to make patient happy, by organizing a wedding for him in the hospital days before he was to pass from a terminal illness.

Spot illustrations - Medical Post Magazine.

Spot illustrations – Medical Post Magazine.

Editorial illustration - Medical Post Magazine.

Editorial illustration – Medical Post Magazine.